
Guest of Honour 2016

16th May 2016

The Committee is delighted to announce that the Guest of Honour for the 2016, 160th Famous Alva Games is Alva resident Iain Anderson. A well known face around the county for many a decade, Iain has had a long standing interest in the Games both in the town but also…

D Campbell Lyon

4th Mar 2016

The passing of a legend

D Campbell Lyon 1930 - 2016 Life President, Alva Games Committee It is with much sadness and a great sense of loss that we have to announce the passing on Monday 22nd February of our Life President, Daniel Campbell Lyon, peacefully, after a short illness. He had been a life long…

Prize Bingo Tea Evenings Season 2015 - 2016

2nd Dec 2015

Tonight's Bingo Tea was a mixture of the happy and the sad. Sadness at the news that this was the first ever such night not under the auspices of the late Campbell Lyon but happiness that he would have been delighted by the turnout of 60 hardy souls on a…

Annual General Meeting 2015

5th Sep 2015

The Annual General Meeting of the Alva Games Committee will take place on Sunday 1st November 2015 at 7pm in St John Vianney Church Hall, 16, East Stirling Street, Alva to which all existing committee members and all other interested parties are warmly invited to attend. Any person with competent…

Hill Race Results 2015

14th Jul 2015

These are now available in full detail on the BOFRA website to which you can link from our Links page.

Lottery Boost for 150th Alva Gamesadd news

8th Jun 2015

The 150th Celebration of the Famous Alva Games and the Civic week preceding it received a timely boost today when it was announced today that Heritage Lottery funding to the tune of £34,000 had been awarded. This funding will secure the full programme of events which will be held throughout the…

Trade Stands 2016Trade Stands

8th Jun 2015

Applications for trade stand space for the 160th Games on Saturday 9th July 2016 are now being taken. Please send your details by email to Lorraine Douglas on  and she will send you all of the necessary paperwork for completion. Please note that we have all of our onfield catering…

Increased Prize Funds for Hill Races 2015

1st Jun 2015

The Games Committee is delighted to announce that it has introduced separate and identical prize funds in all four Hill races to be run this year. The first six runners, male and female in the age restricted races and the first ten, men and women in the Championship race will…