
Committee Meeting

1st Nov 2010

All members of the Committee are reminded that the next General Meeting of the Alva Games Committee will be held on Sunday 28th January 2007 at 7pm in St. John Vianney Church Hall, East Stirling Street, Alva. Detailed agenda will be circulated in due course. Craig Dunbar, Games Secretary. 03.12.06.…

Committee Meeting

1st Nov 2010

The next committee meeting will be held on the evening of TUESDAY 16th JUNE 2009 at 7pm in St John Vianney Church Hall, East Stirling Street, Alva. Please note the change of evening from the last meeting. A full attendance would be appreciated with a month to go until the…

Committee Meeting

1st Nov 2010

The next meeting of the Alva Games Committee will take place on Sunday 27th June 2010 at 7.15pm. The meeting will be held in St John Vianney Church Hall, East Stirling Street, Alva to which all committee members are invited. Apologies and agenda items to the secretary not later than…

Committee Meeting

1st Nov 2010

The final formal Committee meeting before the games will be held on Sunday 29th June 2008 at 7pm in St John Vianney Church Hall, East Stirling Street, Alva. If you are unable to attend, please advise the Secretary as soon as possible. With just 13 days between this meeting and…

Committee Meeting

1st Nov 2010

The next meeting of the Alva Games Committee will be held on Sunday 7th April 2013 at 7.15pm in St John Vianney Church Hall, East Stirling Street, Alva. Items for the agenda to the Secretary not later than Wednesday 3rd April, please. 04.02.2013.…

Prize Bingo Tea - Season 2010- 2011

23rd Sep 2010

Sixty bingo fans attended the last monthly prize bingo tea of the season last night. This was the best turnout of the whole year and the amount raised reached a new record. The overall amount raised during the run exceeded £2,000 for the first time. This provides invaluable financial support…

Annual General Meeting 2010

14th Sep 2010

The Annual General Meeting of the Alva Games Committee took place on Sunday 31st October 2010 at 7.15pm in St. John Vianney Church Hall, East Stirling Street, Alva. All expressed their disappointment at the weather in July and at the effect this had had on the attendance but were nonetheless pleased…

Games Report 2010

12th Jul 2010

The 154th famous Alva Games took place in conditions which were far from ideal. Mist and drizzle were the order of the day and that sadly meant the loss of the highland dancing to the Johnstone Centre before a single step was placed on the Boards. The colourful and intricate…

Gurkhas for the Games

7th Jul 2010

A number of serving members of the Gurkha regiment are due to take part in the 154th Games to be held on Saturday 10th July 2010. Eleven have put their names forward to take part in the British Championship Hill Race and they will also be performing a number of…

Guest of Honour for 2010 named

20th May 2010

GUEST OF HONOUR 2010 - MATTHEW WEBSTER Our links with Australia have been growing over the last few years with the numbers of highland dancers from down under increasing year on year, the attendance of Melbourne based heavy weight athlete Aaron Neighbour and with the Open 90 metres having been won…