
Queen's Baton Relay 2014

31st Mar 2014

The Games Committee is delighted to announce that its long serving Treasurer and son of Alva, John Glencross, has been successfully nominated as a baton bearer for the 2014 relay which will be passing through the town in the afternoon of 25th June.  Exact details of the timing and location…

Guests of Honour 2014

27th Mar 2014

We are delighted to report that, at last night's meeting, the Committee invited Isa Emslie (right in picture) and Ina Glencross (left) to be Joint Guests of Honour at the 2014 Games and that they have graciously agreed to do so. Both have contributed to the Games and to…

New Year's Greetings

2nd Jan 2014

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our sponsors, patrons, competitors, officials and supporters a very Happy New Year for 2014. Just over 6 months to go until the 2014 Games. We look forward to seeing you all there again in July. 02.01.2014.

BOFRA Presentation Dinner 2013

10th Nov 2013

Once again, Games Secretary Craig Dunbar was invited to the Annual Presentation Dinner of the British Open Fell Runners Association held for the second year running in the heart of the West Yorkshire Dales in the village of Ingleton. He was asked to present the prizes in the Senior category.…

Annual General Meeting 2013

28th Sep 2013

The Annual General Meeting of the Alva Games Committee will be held on Sunday 27th October 2013 at 7.15pm in St John Vianney Church Hall, 16 East Stirling Street, Alva. The meeting is open to all existing Committee members and to any other persons who have an interest in continuing…

Annual General Meeting 2013

28th Sep 2013

The AGM of the Games Committee took place tonight when we had one of our best attended meetings in years. The Committee was unanimous in declaring the 2013 Games one of the most successful in recent times and all agreed that this was down mainly to the superb summer weather…

Prize Bingo Tea - Season 2013- 2014

28th Sep 2013

The current session of the prize bingo tea evenings was brought to a close last night in the usual venue, again with a near capacity crowd of just under 60 filling the hall. With an extra flyer to play and the much anticipated strawberry tarts at half time the crowd…

Best Dressed Shop Window Competition 2013

9th Jul 2013

The annual shop window contest was judged earlier today. Judges Cllr Derek Stewart, Chair and Craig Dunbar, Secretary of the Games committee were joined by Margaret Malcolm and Doreen Harvey – the same judging team since the inception of the contest in 2006 - and marked the 14 shops which…

Changes to Car Parking for 2013

2nd Jul 2013

For all competitors and visitors to this year's Games, please note that Public car parking will be on the old Alva Academy Site to the east of Queen Street. Only officials and other invited guests will have access to the traditional car park in Cochrane Park and that will be…

Sports Council's Support Continues

11th Apr 2013

Our good friends in the Clackmannanshire Sports Council have once again continued with their support of the Games with a financial injection into the Youths' 800 metres footrace. Not just this, as a special gesture for this year, they have made a most generous additional award which came as a…