
Best Dressed Shop Window Competition 2010

11th Feb 2010

This competition was judged yesterday (6th July) by the usual judging panel - to ensure consistency of course - of Provost Derek Stewart, Margaret Malcolm and Doreen Harvey of the Community Council and Craig Dunbar, Games Secretary. In what proved to be one of the closest contests ever, the unanious…

Life President honoured by Showmen's Guild

23rd Nov 2009

The Alva Games committee is both proud and delighted to announce that its Life President Campbell Lyon has received the magnificent honour of being made an Honorary Member of the Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain. This award was bestowed upon him on Friday 20th November at the Annual Luncheon of…

Annual General Meeting 2009

21st Sep 2009

The Annual General Meeting of the Alva Games Committee took place on Sunday 25th October 2009 at 7pm in St John Vianney Church Hall, East Stirling Street, Alva. A very positive report was placed before the members attending with all agreeing that the 2009 games had been one of the…

Prize Bingo : Season 2009 - 2010

20th Aug 2009

Over 50 people attended the final bingo tea of the current season held last night. A record total was raised on the evening and this helped the attendees beat the fund raising target they had set themselves last year. The Bingo Tea season provides the Games with about 10% of the total…

New Attractions for the 2009 Games

28th May 2009

The Games Committee is delighted to be able to announce a number of new attractions for visitors to the 153rd Famous Alva Games on Saturday 11th July. First, we are pleased that a travelling corps of fifes and drums from Denmark, De Gronne Tamburkorps, (The Green Fifes & Drums Corps)…

Best Dressed Shop Window Competition 2009

12th May 2009

The 4th Annual Best Dressed Shop Window contest whose theme was Summertime was judged earlier today by the usual panel of judges, whose task was made the all more difficult by the very high standard of the entries. A total of 15 shops took part and after a very close…

Guest of Honour 2009

1st Mar 2009

The Games Committee is delighted to be able to announce that the official guest of honour at this year's games will be the Chairman of the Scottish Section of the Showmen's Guild of Great Britain, Philip Paris. He will be joining us on the day along with his wife Hayley…

Showmens Guild Annual Luncheon 2008

10th Jan 2009

Once again, the Games Committee was delighted to be invited to attend the second renewal of the Annual Luncheon of the Showmen's Guild, Scottish Section held at the end of October in the Thistle Hotel in Glasgow. The President, Treasurer and Secretary were all in attendance and our Chairman, Provost…

Annual General Meeting 2008

25th Sep 2008

The AGM of the Alva Games Committee took place on Sunday 26th October 2008 at 7pm in St. John Vianney Church Hall, East Stirling Street, Alva. The meeting was pleased to receive a positive report from the 2008 games and agreed that the planning should begin for 2009. The Committee…