16th May 2016
The Committee is delighted to announce that the Guest of Honour for the 2016, 160th Famous Alva Games is Alva resident Iain Anderson. A well known face around the county for many a decade, Iain has had a long standing interest in the Games both in the town but also further afield and remains a regular attendee at many a gathering across Scotland.
Alva Games are in the family blood as was evidenced by Iain producing for our 150th Games exhibition a Gold Medal for wrestling won by one of his illustrious predecessors and which he proudly loaned for the duration of the exhibition. This is the 17th year of our Guest of Honour appointment and we are pleased that Iain fits the bill perfectly for this role. I am sure that you will all join with us in wishing him well for his big day on July 9th. There will be more to read about Iain in our programme on Games Day.