
Pauline Dean

28th Jan 2021

We have just been informed, with regret, that Pauline Dean of Grassington, North Yorkshire, passed away on Wednesday. She and her husband, Peter, were our joint Guests of Honour in 2005 having been for years stalwarts of BOFRA, the body which organises the Hill Races we hold on Games Day. They…

Shaw Murray

4th Jan 2021

It is with a sense of utter shock and huge sadness that we have just learned of the sudden and unexpected passing on 29th December 2020 of Shaw Murray of Alva, son of the legendary Willie Murray who was our Guest of Honour in 2007. Shaw was an Alva man through…

Ian Anderson

24th Dec 2020

We have just been informed, with much sadness, of the passing of Ian Anderson of Alva, the Guest of Honour at the 160th Games in 2016. A hugely respected figure in the town, he will be missed not only by his widow Betty, son Ian and wider family but by…

Annual Review - a look back on 2020

6th Dec 2020

It would perhaps be all too easy to write off 2020 as a year best forgotten and, in some ways, that may well be true. Certainly there have been no prize bingo tea evenings since February, the Best Dressed Shop Window Competition was cancelled and the 164th Famous Alva Games…

Bingo Tea Update

11th Sep 2020

It has been a long and rather different summer. With yesterday's update from the Scottish Government confirming that the route map remains at Stage 3 and, in some areas of activity is being reversed, it will be clear that we will not be in a position to commence the new season…

Games Day 2020 - something a bit different

13th Jul 2020

Saturday 10th July would have been the 164th Famous Alva Games but we all know that this was not possible. Lord-Lieutenant Johnny Stewart attended along with Games Honorary Life Chairman Ken McCaffrey, Chairman James Sharp, Treasurer John Glencross and Committee members Euan MacPherson, William Richardson and Ryan Martin to perform what we have called our Non Opening Ceremony. Special thanks to…

Alva Games 2020 - A Message from the Honorary Life Chairman

5th Jul 2020

A Message from Ken McCaffrey, Honorary Life Chairman, Alva Games Committee At this time each year, I put pen to paper to welcome our Patrons and Sponsors and competitors and spectators from near and far to our annual spectacular at the foot of the Ochil Hills. This year is going to…

Quiz Night 2020

15th May 2020

Alva Games Quiz Night The Games Committee has decided that it will not be possible to hold the annual Quiz Night due to be held in the Number 5 Inn on Tuesday 7th July. No matter what other changes there may be between now and the scheduled date, it is likely…

Jimmy Bryce - an appreciation

6th May 2020

The Games Committee was saddened to learn of the death earlier today of one of the finest runners ever to emerge from the town of Alva, Jimmy Bryce, in his 89th year. He was steeped in the culture of pedestrianism, as old fashioned pro running was known and the highlight of…


15th Apr 2020

Everyone will appreciate the very difficult circumstances under which we are all living at the moment and the priority for everyone is to remain safe and well. It is important though to keep in touch and this short update is intended to do that. For very obvious reasons, there will be…