
Alva Games 2020 - A Message from the Honorary Life Chairman

5th Jul 2020

A Message from Ken McCaffrey, Honorary Life Chairman, Alva Games Committee At this time each year, I put pen to paper to welcome our Patrons and Sponsors and competitors and spectators from near and far to our annual spectacular at the foot of the Ochil Hills. This year is going to…

Quiz Night 2020

15th May 2020

Alva Games Quiz Night The Games Committee has decided that it will not be possible to hold the annual Quiz Night due to be held in the Number 5 Inn on Tuesday 7th July. No matter what other changes there may be between now and the scheduled date, it is likely…

Jimmy Bryce - an appreciation

6th May 2020

The Games Committee was saddened to learn of the death earlier today of one of the finest runners ever to emerge from the town of Alva, Jimmy Bryce, in his 89th year. He was steeped in the culture of pedestrianism, as old fashioned pro running was known and the highlight of…


15th Apr 2020

Everyone will appreciate the very difficult circumstances under which we are all living at the moment and the priority for everyone is to remain safe and well. It is important though to keep in touch and this short update is intended to do that. For very obvious reasons, there will be…

2020 Games Cancelled

23rd Mar 2020

The Famous Alva Games – Notice of Cancellation for 2020 It is with an unparalleled sense of regret that the Games Committee has taken the very difficult decision to cancel the 164th Famous Alva Games, due to be held on Saturday 11th July. After careful consideration of all of the medical advice…

Corona Virus Update

18th Mar 2020

In the light of the ever changing circumstances, would all Committee members please note that the meeting scheduled for Sunday 29th March at 7pm will not now take place. Details of how and when we will meet will be posted in due course. It is likely to be towards the…

Bingo Teas Update

16th Mar 2020

After considering all of the available medical and other advice, the unfortunate but perhaps unavoidable decision has been taken to CANCEL the prize bingo tea which was due to take place on Wednesday 25th March. The Games Committee will continue to look at the situation and will advise further in respect…

February Bingo Tea 2020

26th Feb 2020

On what the weather forecasters predicted would be an evening of heavy snow - which has proved to be wrong so far - 55 players turned up for the second prize bingo of the year. This large turnout means that £ 432 has been raised for this year's Games. Caroline from…

New Year's Prize Bingo Begins

22nd Jan 2020

Well, that's the 2020 prize bingo season under way with a very respectable crowd of 47 here tonight to see in the New Year. Fruit loaf, carrot cake and shortbread from the Number 71 Coffee House were delicious and supplemented the other home made sandwiches and home baking treats, all…

November Prize Bingo Tea

27th Nov 2019

Report from the Cochrane Hall 

What a fantastic night tonight for the November prize bingo tea. On a surprisingly mild evening, just short of 60 Games' supporters turned to to try their luck at the ten games of regular bingo, the raffle and special Christmas raffle. Fabulous home baking, sandwiches and an absolutely delicious lemon drizzle…