15th May 2020
Alva Games Quiz Night
The Games Committee has decided that it will not be possible to hold the annual Quiz Night due to be held in the Number 5 Inn on Tuesday 7th July. No matter what other changes there may be between now and the scheduled date, it is likely that a measure of social distancing will still be in place, which would make holding the evening in the same format as the last two years a practical impossibility.
That said, we have given thought to holding, on the same night, an online quiz using Zoom or some similar facility if enough people were interested in taking part. Teams should have a maximum of four – but we are not going to be too prescriptive about that – and we may have to take it on trust about answers, but we would like to know if interested teams could let us have an expression of interest by 31st May so that we would know how best to make the relevant arrangements. We may have to limit the number of teams given that we will be using external technology so an early response would be appreciated. Reply on our Facebook page in the associated article with proposed team name, please.
Once we have an idea of numbers, we will get back to you to confirm the actual arrangements and how they might work. Don’t wait – you may be too late!