
March Bingo Tea

27th Mar 2019

Another successful evening in the prize bingo series earlier tonight. 54 folk packed into the Church Hall for the pre-Easter session with extra prizes donated very kindly in addition to the regular prizes. The prizes were well spread throughout the hall with every table taking something home either from the…

February Bingo Tea 2019

27th Feb 2019

A fifty strong crowd filled the Church Hall tonight for the monthly prize bingo tea. As always, those who came along enjoyed the games, the prizes and the half time refreshments, now enhanced by the additional home baking of Nita Kane. Our Chairman James Sharp put in an appearance and saw at…

January Bingo Tea

23rd Jan 2019

On a freezing night, a crowd of just under fifty turned out for the first prize bingo tea of the year. The heat in the hall, the refreshments and the fine array of prizes all contributed to yet another very successful evening. The final amount collected - including tablet sales -…

Christmas Prize Bingo Tea

28th Nov 2018

On a foul, wet and windy night, 57 folk attended our Festive prize bingo raising £430 towards the funds for the 2019 Games. A truly magnificent range of prizes was on offer. Our usual Festive hamper donated by Santa Claus was won by Eva Comrie who had also very generously donated a number…

Guest of Honour 2019

25th Oct 2018

Tom Paterson accepts the invitation to return to Johnstone Park 

The Games Committee is delighted to report that former Committee member and doyen of the Games' commentators, Tom Paterson, has very kindly agreed to accept our invitation to join us in July 2019 as our Guest of Honour.  Tom is a well kent face in the County and beyond. He is…

October Prize Bingo

24th Oct 2018

Numbers were down a little tonight due to another attraction but those who came along enjoyed once again a full evening of competition with the usual treats on offer by way of refreshments. £303.15 was the final total raised towards the 2019 Games which is most welcome with the expenditure to…

Annual General Meeting 2018

10th Oct 2018

Sunday 28th October 2018 @ 7.15pm

The Annual General Meeting of the Alva Games Committee will take place on Sunday 28th October at 7.15pm in St John Vianney Church Hall, East Stirling Street, Alva to which all exisitng committee members and all interested parties are invited. Any one with any business relevant to the AGM should submit…

Prize Bingo Season Gets Under Way

26th Sep 2018

Opening night of the 2018 - 2019 Season

On a very mild evening, the new season of fund raising Prize Bingo Teas got under way tonight in St. John Vianney Church Hall. Over 50 players, old and new, turned out to sample the opening night and the new prizes and plates which were on offer. Just over £400.00…

Prize Bingo Tea Season 2018 - 2019

5th Sep 2018

Monthly fund raisers start up this month 

It's that time of year again, so a reminder for the diary that the first Prize Bingo Tea of the new season will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 26th September in the St John Vianney Church Hall. Hope to see you all there again supporting the 163rd Famous Alva…

Quiz Night Announced

15th Jun 2018

The Alva Games Committee is delighted to announce that it will be holding its first Quiz Night at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th July 2017 at the No. 5 Inn in Alva. Teams can have up to four members and expressions of interest should be passed to Committee member, Jamie Sharp, by email…