15th Apr 2020
Everyone will appreciate the very difficult circumstances under which we are all living at the moment and the priority for everyone is to remain safe and well. It is important though to keep in touch and this short update is intended to do that.
For very obvious reasons, there will be no more monthly prize bingo tea evenings until further notice but, rest assured that when it is safe to do so, these will be reconvened. Sadly it is not yet possible to say when that might be.
The Annual Best Dressed Window Contest will NOT take place this year. Our gallant shopkeepers who have managed to trade on, and those who have not, have far more important matters to consider and, coupled with the fact that social distancing would exclude many of us from seeing the fruits of their labours were we to proceed, there seemed little to be gained by running the competition this year. It will give all an extra year to be extra creative and imaginative.
The 3rd renewal of the Alva Games Quiz due to be held in the Number 5 Inn on Tuesday 7th July is unlikely to go ahead, but a final decision on that will be made and communicated as soon as we can.
Again, the Chairman and the whole Committee would like to thank everyone for their continuing support during this time and we all look forward to reconvening in whatever form just as soon as we can.