17th Apr 2024

The competition has gone from strength to strength since its comeback after the pandemic in 2022 and the quality of the entries has been truly outstanding.
2024 is Olympic year, again in Paris, but is also the Centenary of that great Scottish sprinter and missionary Eric Liddell, whose story preparing for the 1924 Games was brought to life in the 1981 film classic, Chariots of Fire. Entrants should use their imagination and flair to come up with a colourful and intriguing display to represent any aspect of the theme and how this interacts with the Famous Alva Games. The judges have to assess four areas – colour, attractiveness, originality and clever design. Above all, does it have a feel good factor? Does it brighten up the street and will it bring a smile to the onlooker? With this theme, there ought to be lots of colourful and intricate designs.
We hope that as many shops as possible will take part and that this contest will give the whole town something bright, cheerful and entertaining to do.
The winner will receive the Alva Games Trophy and cash prizes of £75, £50 and £25 for the first three places and special “Thank You” prizes for all competitors will be offered to the most successful window displays as judged by our panel of judges which will comprise representatives of the community and Games Committee. The winner keeps the trophy for display until the following June. Everyone taking part, however, will be awarded a certificate to mark their participation. Ultimately, the whole town is the winner as the colourful displays have proven only too well since we started this popular competition back in 2006.
We will be round the shops in the town soon to see if you are going to take part – we hope that you do. If you are not able to confirm when we do, we will return in early June to confirm so that we have an idea of numbers and know where to look for the colourful displays during our traditional Games Week. There is no form to fill in and the entry to the competition remains FREE to all. If you are not in the premises when we call, but you still wish to participate, just send a confirmatory email to us on alvagamessec@btinternet.com